
In this branch of Chemistry topics are: Chemical Equilibrium  and Organic Chemistry, it contains explanation of each item and videos, which will help us understand more about it.

Unit 2: Speed and balancing chemical reactions.

Topic 2.2: Chemical Equilibrium.

[1]Balanced chemical equations can now be applied to the concept of chemical equilibrium, the state in which the reactants and products experience no net change over time. This occurs when the forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates. The equilibrium constant is used to determine the amount of each compound that present at equilibrium. Consider a chemical reaction of the following form:


For this equation, the equilibrium constant is defined as:

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The activities of the products are in the numerator, and those of the reactants are in the denominator. For Kc, the activities are defined as the molar concentrations of the reactants and products ([A], [B] etc.). The lower case letters are the stoichiometric coefficients that balance the equation.

An important aspect of this equation is that pure liquids and solids are not included. This is because their activities are defined as one, so plugging them into the equation has no impact. This is due to the fact that pure liquids and solids have no effect on the physical equilibrium; no matter how much is added, the system can only dissolve as much as the solubility allows. For example, if more sugar is added to a solution after the equilibrium has been reached, the extra sugar will not dissolve (assuming the solution is not heated, which would increase the solubility). Because adding more does not change the equilibrium, it is not accounted for in the expression.

Chemical Equilibrium  video:

Video Length: 9:29 minutes

Consultation date: February 5, 2015

Youtube channel: CrashCourse

Exercises of chemical equilibrium:

Chemistry, The Central Science, 12th Edition © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Theodore L. Brown; H. Eugene LeMay, Jr.; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine J. Murphy; and Patrick Woodward.

Click to access Chapter%2015%20Worked%20Examples.pdf

Unit 3: Fundamental of Organic Chemistry.

Topic 3.1: Fundamental of Organic Chemistry.

[2]Organic Chemistry research involves the synthesis of organic molecules and the study of their reaction paths, interactions, and applications. Advanced interests include diverse topics such as the development of new synthetic methods for the assembly of complex organic molecules and polymeric materials, organometallic catalysis, organocatalysis, the synthesis of natural and non-natural products with unique biological and physical properties, structure and mechanistic analysis, natural product biosynthesis, theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling, diversity-oriented synthesis, and carbohydrate synthesis.

Organic Chemistry video:

Video Length: 11:32 minutes

Consultation date: February 5, 2015

Youtube channel: CrashCourse

Exercises of organic chemistry:

 Chemical Equilibrium Exercises:

[3]1. Chlorine and carbon monoxide gases are mixed in a 1.00 L container and the following equilibrium is established

CO(g) + Cl2(g) Æ COCl2(g)

Initially, 1.50 mol of chlorine was present with 2.55 mol of carbon monoxide. At equilibrium, 0.80 mol of COCl2(g) was found.

(a)  Create an ICE table and calculate the percent reaction of chlorine.

(b) Write the equilibrium law for this reaction.

(c)  At equilibrium, 1.75 mol of carbon monoxide and 0.70 mol of chlorine were present. Calculate the equilibrium constant.

2 .Write the equilibrium law for each of the following chemical reaction equations.

(a)  2 SO2(g) + O2(g) Æ 2 SO3(g)

(b)  2 NO2(g) Æ 2 NO(g) + O2(g)

(c)  At equalibrium, 1.75 mol of carbon monoxide and 0.70 mol of chlorine were present.

Calculate the equalibrim constant.

3. In an experiment at a high temperature, 0.500 mol/L of hydrogen bromide gas is placed into a sealed container and decomposes into hydrogen and bromine gases.

(a)  Write the equilibrium equation and law for this reaction.

2 HBr(g) Æ H2(g) + Br2(g)

(b)  The equilibrium concentration for Br2(g) in this system is found from calorimetry to be 0.130 mol/L. Use an ICE table to help calculate the equilibrium constant.

2 HBr(g) Æ H2(g) + Br2(g)

Solutions: Chemistry solutions.


[1] Charlotte Hutton, Sarah Reno, Curtis Kortemeier, (1999), UCDAVIS CHEMWIKI, Chemical Equilibrium(article online), consultation date: February 5, 2015.

[2] Delmar Larsen , (1999), UCDAVIS CHEMWIKI, Organic Chemestry (article online), consultation date: February 6, 2015.

[3]Lindsay Thurber,  (2015) Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School (.doc online), cosultation date: February 11, 2015.


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